    The Influence of Financial Disintermediation on Commercial Banks
    Abstract:Over these years, with the continuous progress of China's financial reform and the continuous development of China's financial market, there are continuous improvements in the scale, mode and the proportion of China's direct financing, meanwhile more and more relaxed regulatory system provides China's financial market more autonomy, which gradually caused large quantities of market funds transfer from the indirect financing market to the direct market. This phenomenon is "financial disintermediation". This article is based on the existing research literature, combined with their understanding and interpretation, try to use the specific datum to make a detailed theoretical analysis and scientific quantitative verification of the financial disintermediation, then make a reasonable explanation and forecast about the specific impact of the commercial banks in financial disintermediation, and provide system analysis and rational guidance for the future development and innovative options of China's commercial banks. At the same time, the empirical research in this paper uses statistical analysis method, the revision and the empirical test of this theoretical hypothesis has certain innovation significance.
    Key words: Financial Disintermediation;Commercial Banks;Internet Financial;Profitability;Financial Innovation
    目  录
    摘要    1
    关键词    1
    Abstract    1
    Key words    1
    一、 引言    1
    二、 文献综述    2
    (一)国外文献综述    2
    (二)国内文献综述    3
    三、 金融脱媒对我国商业银行的影响    3
    (一)我国商业银行的概况    3
    1.中国银行业金融机构构成    3
    2.中国银行业总资产构成情况    4
    (二) 非银行金融机构的发展    4
    (三) 我国金融脱媒的具体表现    6
    1.商业银行资产业务    6
    2. 商业银行负债业务    7
    3. 第三方支付平台的发展    7
    (四) 我国金融脱媒的特点    8
    1.扩散性    8
    2.重叠性    8
    3.不对称性    8
    四、 金融脱媒对我国商业银行影响的实证分析    9
    (一) 指标选取    9
    1.被解释变量    9
    2.解释变量    9
    3.控制变量    9
    (二)实证分析过程    10
    1. 建立多元线性方程    10
    2. 模型假设    10
    3. 实证过程    10
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