    毕业论文关键词:商业银行  个人理财  业务发展
     Research on the Problems and Countermeasures of  Personal Financing Business in Commercial Banks
    Abstract: Now the development of personal financing business is still in the primary stage in commercial banks of China. The increasing demands for personal finance business can’t be met. Therefore, focusing on the development of inpidual financing business in commercial bank of China, this paper carries out research using literature analysis method and statistical analysis method. We find that the commercial banks have problems in the business model, financial products design, investing operation pattern, the fine service and personnel management. We also point out the underlying reasons of these problems are that the financial market is not mature and the financial system is not sound. So the commercial banks should take these measures, such as strengthening the cooperation with non-bank financial institutions, designing innovative financial products, building perfect fine financing service system, enhancing the consciousness of risk prevention, expanding professional financial personnel team. The research in this paper is helpful in promoting the transformation of banking industry in China and the improvement of the financial environment.
    Key Word: commercial bank,  personal financing Business,  business development
     目 录
    一、引言    2
    (一)研究背景    2
    (二)研究意义    3
    二、文献综述    3
    (一)个人理财业务存在问题的研究    3
    (二)个人理财业务发展对策的研究    4
    三、我国商业银行个人理财业务发展现状    6
    (一)理财产品发行规模逐年增长    6
    (二)个人理财市场发展不均衡    6
    四、 我国商业银行个人理财业务问题成因分析    10
    (一)分业经营制约发展    10
    (二)缺乏高质量创新型理财产品    11
    (三)投资运作模式存在风险    12
    (四)缺乏精细化服务    13
    (五)高素质的理财人员匮乏    14
    五、我国商业银行发展个人理财业务的对策分析    14
    (一)加强与非银行金融机构的合作    14
    (二)加强理财产品创新    15
    (三)增强风险防范意识    16
    (四)构建完善的精细化理财业务服务体系    17
    (五)扩大专业理财人员队伍    19
    751、结论    19
    参考文献    21
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