    The Influence Analysis of Countermeasures on the Green Trade Barriers for Export of Shanghai Clothes
    Abstract: In recent years, there have been some good international situation, such as the international market of domestic and international trend of the domestic market, countries around the world before the high tariff barriers also weakened accordingly. But the green textiles, uneven distribution of good international situation and the international market is not necessarily related. On the one hand, China's textile exports different extent under the influence of green barrier. Garment enterprises in our country, on the other hand, the lack of adequate analysis of the international market, and a lack of proper marketing strategy, leading to the emergence of China's clothing export structure imbalance. By studying the issues analyze the development of China's textiles industry problems and strengths and weaknesses as well as opportunities and threats presented green in improving the ability to develop and open up the market's need for adequate market position, and to develop appropriate The manner in line to enter the international market requirements. This paper analyzes the international trade environment positively and keep up with the changing market environment, will "analyze specific issues," the idea is applied to the export of China's distinctive green issues, and strive to achieve accurate market entry strategy to make our country g be more competitive in the international market.
    Key words:Shanghai clothes;Exportation;Countermeasure
    目  录
    引  言
      (二)遭遇壁垒的表现… …8
    总  结18
    致  谢19
    引  言随着出口产品的不断提高,人们的意识也在不断高升,2015年我国政府大力提倡环保治理环境拯救地球,政府提倡的环保是宏观的,是一个整体的概念,而细分到行业,纺织品行业也应绿色化环保化,不断改革创新,大力生产符合国际环境标准的服装,从而打出一片新的国际贸易领域。绿色贸易壁垒的形成,便是发达国家以保护环境为名义,对一些影响生态环境以及一些环境污染的进口产品加以增加进口附加税或者直接禁止,限制其进口,甚至实行贸易制裁。简而言之,以壁垒为借口保护本国市场,绿色贸易壁垒对上海可谓是喜忧参半。
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