The investigation of the lamb prices and resources in XuZhou
【Abstract】:In recently years, the consumer price index of Xuzhou residents is constantly enhancing due to the impacts of mutton price increase. This paper investigated and evaluated the fluctuations of mutton prices and the development of sheep industry in Xuzhou based on the information gathered from the study of 120 households in Xuzhou in 2014. It is hypothesized that the causes of mutton price increase are grassland degradation and the decrease of resource carrying capacity; farmers' low cultivation level with outdated ideas; increasing feeding costs but decreasing breeding efficiency; increasing consumption demand which exacerbated the contradiction between supply and demand; increasing circulation costs which promoted the rise of mutton prices; and the weak foundation. There is also a lack of supportive policies and development potential. With regard to the above issues, this study proposed suggestions in terms of 4 main aspects, which are development of farmers’ cultivation notions, marketing in the mutton markets, political support for mutton cultivation and infrastructure construction of mutton cultivation, in order to provide solutions to control the fast increase of mutton price.
【Key words】:Xuzhou,Sheep industry,Fluctuations in prices,Reason,counterplan
第一章绪论 1
1.1研究的背景 1
1.2研究的目的和意义 1
第二章徐州养羊业发展及羊肉价格波动状况分析 2
2.1徐州养羊业发展概况 2
2.2徐州羊肉价格波动情况分析 3
第三章徐州羊肉价格上涨原因分析 4
3.1资源承载能力下降 4
3.2农户养殖水平低,思想观念陈旧 4
3.3饲养成本上升,养殖效益下降 5
3.4消费需求不断增加,加剧了供需矛盾 6
3.5流通环节费用逐年提高,推动羊肉价格上涨 6
3.6发展基础薄弱 6
3.7缺乏相应的扶持政策,发展后劲不足 6
第四章对策建议 7
4.1发挥各地优势,合理规划布局,积极推进集约化养殖 7
4.2加大科技推广力度,提高养殖效益 7
4.3加强金融支持力度,拓宽融资渠道 7
4.4加快市场体系建设,增强市场调控能力 7
4.5加大生产基础设施投入和建设 8
4.6加大羊肉产业政策扶持力度 8
4.7加强价格监测和预警工作 8
【参考文献】 9
- 上一篇:金融违法现象的成因及治理研究
- 下一篇:中国出口退税制度的演变及影响分析