    Analysis of China's small and medium-sized enterprises to exploit the international market
    With the rapid development of economy, small and medium-sized enterprises plays a more and more important role in the national economy, the development of economic globalization and domestic market competition that make the small and medium enterprises launch international operations. However, small and medium-sized enterprises have encountered a series of problems in the process of internationalization, such as the rising cost of production, lack of talent, the low level of management, financing difficulties. Therefore, this paper analyses the characteristics and the current situation of the development of small and medium-sized enterprises based on this background, which aiming at some problems of the proposed solutions, and it puts forward some suggestions on how to develop the international market. It hopes to speed up the process of internationalization of small and medium-sized enterprises, remain invincible in the global competition.
    Keywords: small and medium-sized enterprise, internationalization, competitiveness, market
    目 录
    一、前 言    1
    二、我国中小型企业的发展现状与前景    1
    (一)中小企业的界定    1
    (二)中小企业的特点    2
    (三)我国中小企业发展现状分析    2
    (四)中小型企业在我国经济的作用及前景    3
    三、中小企业开拓国际市场中存在的问题及原因分析    4
    (一)生产成本上升    4
    (二)缺乏相关专业人才    4
    (三)信息管理水平低    5
    (四)企业融资渠道单一    5
    四、如何引导中小型企业有效开拓国际市场    6
    (一) 降低生产成本    6
    1.提高中小企业的创新能力和生产经营效率    6
    2.开展电子商务,进军国际市场    7
    (二)加大人才培养力度    8
    (三)加强信息化管理,扩大国际竞争力    8
    1.提高中小企业的服务质量,增强市场竞争地位    8
    2.培养中小企业国际竞争意识    9
    (四)拓展融资渠道    9
    五、结束语    10
    参考文献    11
    一、前 言
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