    毕业论文关键词: 国际贸易;专利权;发展;保护;对策
    Chinese enterprises’ theory of patent protection problems in international trade
    Abstract: With the constant innovation of science and technology, and the acceleration of economic globalization, the competition on the international market is becoming more and more fierce. The position of patent right is on the rise in international trade, and many countries have already put the patent right as one of the means of foreign economic development. Patents can effectively promote the innovation and development of the enterprise, and increase the enterprise’s advantage in the international market competition. At present, more and more enterprises in our countries began to participate in international competition, accordingly, the patent also need to be better protected. However, there are still some flaws in China’s protection of patent rights issue, including the enterprise’s weak consciousness on the patent , imperfect legal system and so on. China should further improve the protection of patent. At the same time, enterprises and related departments should take active measures and strategies to reduce patent disputes in international trade and promote our enterprise’s competitiveness in the international trade.
    Keywords:  International trade; Patent; Development; Protection; Legislation
    一、 绪论    1
    (一) 研究目的和意义    1
    (二) 文献综述    1
    (三) 主要研究内容    3
    二、 专利权的相关知识    4
    (一) 专利权    4
    (二) 专利权保护    4
    三、 专利权在企业国际贸易中的作用    6
    (一) 专利权在国际贸易中的作用    6
    1、 促进产品出口    6
    2、 有利于增强企业国际竞争力    6
    (二) 专利权保护对我国贸易的影响    6
    四、 我国企业在国际贸易中的专利权保护现状分析    8
    五、 我国国际贸易中专利权保护存在的问题    10
    (一) 企业在国际贸易中的专利权保护问题    10
    1、 企业专利权保护力度薄弱    10
    2、 企业专利的技术含量不高    11
    3、 企业缺少专利管理战略    11
    (二) 政府在专利权保护中存在的问题    12
    1、 立法结构不完整    12
    2、 专利权保护宣传力度不够    12
    3、 专利权保护执法力度不够    13
    751、 完善我国贸易中专利权保护的对策建议    14
    (一) 对于企业自身的建议    14
            1、 减少贸易中的专利纠纷    14
    2、 实现贸易中的利益最大化    15
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