摘 要:随着全球经济一体化的脚步加快,一国对外贸易与其经济发展的联系愈加密切,如何使对外贸易与经济之间实现互利共赢就成为迫切需要解决的问题。本文以上海市为例,选取上海市1990-2011年外贸进出口总额、全社会固定资产投资和国内生产总值的数据,在证明存在相关关系的基础上,利用协整检验和格兰杰因果关系检验,讨论研究了上海市对外贸易、国内生产总值和全社会固定资产投资之间的关系。本文首先对选取的数据运用数学方法进行处理,以减少干扰项的影响;其次利用一系列计量方法对数据做出分析以得出所需的协整回归方程和误差修正模型;最后根据所得结果提出均衡发展经济与贸易以及其他有利于经济建设的建议。56047
毕业论文关 键 词:对外贸易,协整检验,格兰杰因果检验
Abstract:As the speed of global economic globalization has been being faster, foreign trade and economic development has a closer relationship than before, the problem about how to achieve a win-win has been supported to be solved urgently. This article will chose Shanghai as an example, selects the data among 1990-2011 of Shanghai about Import and Export volume, Total Investment in Fixed Assets and Gross Domestic Product (GDP). It will take advantages of measurement methods such as Co-integration Test and Granger Causality Test to analyse the relationships between them on the basis of confirming the existence of correlativity. First of all, the article will take some actions to deal with data by mathematical techniques to reduce the influences of disturbance. Then use some measurement methods to get Co-integration Regression Equation and Error Correction Model in need. The last step is raising some good suggestions benefit to economic growth and trade in balance according to the results.
Keywords: foreign Trade, Co-integration Test, Granger Causality Test
目 录
1 引言 3
2.1 国外相关研究 4
2.2 国内相关研究 4
3 上海市对外贸易与主要经济指标之间关系的实证分析 5
3.1 数据选择 5
3.2 平稳性检验 7
3.3 协整检验 8
3.4 格兰杰因果关系检验 9
4 建立协整回归方程与误差修正模型 10
4.1 建立协整回归方程 10
4.2 建立误差修正模型 10
结论 12
参考文献 14
致谢 15
附录 16
1 引言