


    Analysis on the development of Shanghai KJT e-commerce platform

    Abstract:Shanghai KJT e-commerce platform is not only to provide a one-stop online overseas shopping guide and transaction services for domestic customers, but also for the cross-border business enterprise with integration of customs clearance service, thereby expanding the business trade service industry open. The opportunity for development of Shanghai KJT e-commerce platform in : a line along the road and the Yangtze River economic belt and other national strategy, coordinated development and the construction of Shanghai International Trade Center, Shanghai free trade zone development prospects and characteristics of the park collaborative development way to broaden the Shanghai KJT e-commerce platform; but in the development process will encounter some the challenges such as the policy for the post tax tax reform, influence of other well-known cross-border electricity market competition etc.. Shanghai KJT e-commerce platform since the pilot operation in the development also has some problems and disputes, mainly due to the nowadays consumers for Shanghai KJT e-commerce  

    platform of awareness is not high, and commodity platforms such as lack of consumer after-sales service, and the legal system for commercial disputes are not suitable for led to the consumers in Shanghai  KJT e-commerce platform of the recognition of the lack of. Therefore, we need to develop the system through innovation, service development, management development, coordinated development and other reasonable and effective measures to further develop Shanghai KJT e-commerce platform. This article is based on the analysis of Shanghai KJT e-commerce platform to under the situation that the current cross-border business increasingly fierce competition, through improve the problems in the development process to improve competitiveness in the market and create a certain space for development.

    Key words: Shanghai KJT e-commerce platform;Clearance integration; Tax reform of the postal tax

    前言 1

      (一)研究目的 1

      (二)研究意义 1

      (三)研究内容 1

    一、上海跨境通电商平台发展现状 3


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