

    毕业论文关键词  房地产  上市公司  动态资本结构  调整速度  影响因素

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title  Analysis on the Capital Structure and Influencing Factors of Listed Real Estate Companies in China                 

    Abstract This paper conducts an empirical study on influencing factors of the capital structure of listed real estate companies in China based on dynamic panel data with first-differenced GMM estimation. And this paper chooses 43 listed companies from Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges and uses corresponding balanced panel datasets as the sample. The article analyzes the impact of company conditions and macroeconomic conditions. Main conclusions are obtained: The target capital structure of listed real estate companies in China is under the influence of the enterprise’s own characteristics and macroeconomic factors. The speed of listed real estate company's capital structure is about 0.5, which is hard to adjust. The improvement of enhance profitability, company size and growth, will bring in the acceleration of capital structure adjustment; non-debt tax shield and the improvement of the ratio of state-owned shares, will lead to a slower pace of capital structure adjustment. China's macro-environment is not conducive to the rapid adjustment of the capital structure of listed real estate companies in this country.

    Keywords  Real Estate  Listed Companies  Dynamic Capital Structure  Speed of Adjustment  Influencing factors

    1  引言… 1

    1.1  选题的背景与研究意义1

    1.2  文献综述1

    1.2.1  资本结构的文献综述 1

    1.2.2  房地产资本结构的文献综述… 3

    1.3  论文主要内容与结构安排…3

    2  资本结构的动态调整模型及变量与数据描述 4

    2.1  模型的建立…4

    2.2  变量的选择…5

    2.2.1  资本结构变量的选择 5

    2.2.2  公司特征变量的选择 5

    2.2.3  宏观经济变量的选择 6

    2.3  样本选择与描述…7

    3  资本结构的动态调整模型估计与检验分析… 9

    3.1  变量平稳性及协整检验9

    3.2  基本模型回归结果与检验…10

    3.3  扩展模型回归结果与检验…14

    结论 … 16

    致谢 … 18

    参考文献 … 19 

    1  引言

    1.1  选题背景与研究意义

    20世纪50年代末期,Modigliani和Miller首先提出了MM理论,认为在完美市场的假设下,资本结构与公司价值是无关的[ ]。然而,由于存在融资成本、信息不对称等因素,资本结构对公司的价值产生一定的影响,所以,根据权衡理论的观点,公司存在一个最优的资本结构(Kraus和Lizenberger,1973)[ ]。受到内外部因素的同时影响,公司的资本结构会偏离最优资本结构。为了实现公司价值的最大化,公司会不断调整其资本结构,使自身资本结构尽可能接近最优资本结构。因此公司的资本结构的变化过程是受到内外部环境影响的动态过程。论文网

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