
    摘 要:随着淮安经济的快速发展,现代化水平不断提高,产业结构日趋合理。但是同时也出现了一些阻碍经济发展的问题。本文以三大产业为标准分析淮安产业结构发展现状,其次提出淮安产业结构失调、现代农业水平不高、工业结构层次低、现代服务业发展滞后、新兴产业发展规模相对偏小等问题,并提出推进现代农业建设、优化工业结构、推动现代服务、发展搭建新兴产业发展平、重点发展生态旅游业等对策,使淮安产业结构更符合可持续发展观念,促进淮安经济步入新的发展阶段。66943

    毕业论文关键词:淮安市,产业结构调整 ,对策研究

    Abstract: With the rapid development of Huaian's economy, and constantly improve the level of modernization, the industrial structure is becoming more rational. But there are also some problems hindering economic development. In this paper, three industry standard analysis of the current situation of industrial development in Huaian, the Huaian industrial structure imbalance, modern agriculture level is not high, the low level of industrial structure, the development of modern service industry development lag, the relatively small size of the emerging industry and other issues, and put forward to promote modern agriculture construction, optimize the industrial structure, promote the development of modern services the development of new industries, build a platform, the development of eco tourism industry focus and so on, make the industrial structure of Huaian is more in line with the concept of sustainable development, promote the Huaian economy entered a new stage of development.

    Keywords: The city of HuaiAn, Industrial Structure Adjustment , Study on Countermeasures

    目 录

    1  引言 3

    2  淮安市产业发展的现状 3

    2.1  第一产业增加值稳步增长 3

    2.2  第二产业规模不断壮大 3

    2.3  第三产业总体规模迅速扩大 4

    3  淮安市产业发展存在的问题 4

    3.1  产业结构失调 4

    3.2  现代农业水平不高 5

    3.3  工业结构层次低 5

    3.4  现代服务业发展滞后 5

    3.5  新兴产业发展规模相对偏小 6

    4  淮安市产业结构调整的对策 6

    4.1  推进现代农业建设 6

    4.2  优化工业结构 7

    4.3  推动现代服务业发展 7

    4.4  搭建新兴产业发展平台 8

    4.5  重点发展生态旅游业 8

    结论 10

    参考文献 11

    致谢 12

    1  引言


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