
    摘 要:一直以来中小企业融资困难是众所周知的问题,金融危机对中小企业的发展产生了很大的影响,很多中小企业因资金缺乏而面临着即将倒闭的困境,融资难问题已经在很大程度上阻碍了中小企业的生存与发展。本文首先在结合中小企业融资困难的问题基础上描述了涟水高沟捆蹄厂的融资发展现状,其次采用数据分析、案例研究的方法从经营管理水平、融资渠道、金融机构服务和政府政策方面深入分析了涟水高沟捆蹄厂融资困难的原因,最后提出相关的解决融资难的对策。67619


    Abstract: Financing difficulties of SMEs has been a well-known problem, The financial crisis on the development of SMEs have had a great impact, many SMEs lack of funds and difficulties facing imminent collapse, Financing difficult problem has been to a large extent hindered the small and medium-sized enterprise's survival and development. Firstly, this paper described the development situation of Lianshui Gaogou bundle of pig’s trotters factory, based on the combination with characteristics of the small and medium-sized enterprise financing difficult problem , Secondly, deeply analyzed the reasons for Lianshui Gaogou bundle of pig’s trotters factory financing difficult, from the operation and management level,the financing channels, services of financial institutions, the government’s policy , with the method of data analysis and case study. Finally, Finally put forward to solve the problem of financing difficulties.

    Keywords:  Lianshui Gaogou bundle of pig’s trotters factory,Small and medium-sized,finance

    目 录

    1  前言 3

    2 文献综述 3

    3  中小企业融资概述 4

    3.1  中小企业融资的含义 4

    3.2  中小企业融资渠道分类 4

    4  涟水高沟捆蹄厂融资现状及问题 5

    4.1  涟水高沟捆蹄厂简介 5

    4.2  涟水高沟捆蹄厂融资现状 5

    4.3  涟水高沟捆蹄厂融资存在的主要问题 6

    5.1  经营管理水平低 8

    5.2  融资渠道狭窄和管理结构不当 8

    5.3  金融机构对企业尚存偏见 8

    5.4  政府出台的政策不完善 8

    6  解决企业融资问题的对策 9

    6.1  提高内部管理水平 9

    6.2  拓宽融资渠道,创新融资方式 9

    6.3  建立完善的金融机构体系 10

    6.4  制定完善的政府政策 10

    结 论 11

    参考文献 12

    致 谢 13

    1  前言


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