

    毕业论文关键词  文化软实力  美国经验  启示     

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title  The Experience and Enlightenment for American’s Development of Cultural Soft Power                 


    Nowadays, with the fast process of global economic, competition of soft power with culture as the core has become an important content of international competition. In order to develop their own soft power, many countries develop the countries’ cultural industry from strategic level, shaping external image and spreading their own culture. In the report of the 17th national congress, China proposed the concept of cultural soft power. Since then, the importance of cultural soft power has been gradually promoted to the height of national strategy. As the most developed country in the west, American’s development of cultural soft power is successful. In contrast, in the construction of cultural soft power in China, there exist such problems, such as lack of academic support, inadequate cultural construction and foreign propagation force. Therefore, Studying the successful experience of American culture soft power has significant meaning for promoting national culture soft power in our country.

    Keywords  Cultural Soft Power  American Experience  Enlightenment  

    目   次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  研究背景 1

    1.2  研究意义 2

    1.3  研究思路及研究方法 2

    2  相关概念界定及文献综述 4

    2.1  相关概念界定 4

    2.2  “文化软实力”相关文献综述 5

    3  美国提升文化软实力的经验研究 7

    3.1  完善文化政策法规体系,提升文化软实力 7

    3.2  壮大文化产业,提升文化软实力 7

    3.3  结合政府引导与市场运作,提升文化软实力 8

    3.4  加大文化传播力度,提升文化软实力 8

    3.5  积极推行文化外交,提升文化软实力 9

    4  美国提升文化软实力对中国的启示 10

    4.1  中国文化软实力建设分析 10

    4.1.1  中国文化软实力发展现状 10

    4.1.2  中国文化软实力发展存在的问题与不足 10

    4.1.3  提高文化软实力建设的意义 11

    4.2  美国经验对中国文化建设的启示

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