

    毕业论文关键词:浙江银行;中小企业;金融支持 ;对策

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title     Research  on  Financial  Support  of  Bank  in Zhejiang  to  Small  and  Medium-Sized  Enterprise  



    Since the reform and opening up, small and medium enterprises in China has been developed rapidly, the contribution to the local economy is also rising. SMEs play an increasingly important role in promoting local economic growth, increasing employment rate, and promoting technical improvements. SMEs is facing all kinds of difficulties during the rapidly development, and financing of SMEs is the most critical issue of restricting the development of small and medium-sized enterprises. Therefore, how to solve the problem of financing SMEs, to provide financial support for small and medium-sized enterprises is the key to obtain to long-term development. In view of this, this paper analysis the Bank of Zhejiang financial support to small and medium-sized export enterprises, to analyze the reasons for the difficulty of financing on the basis of analysis the status of the financing of small and medium-sized export enterprises in China, then analysis Zhejiang bank financial means to support small and medium-sized export enterprises research and financial support for SMEs compared with the United States, Japan and other countries. Finally, then put forward countermeasures and suggestions financial support for small and medium-sized export enterprises of Zhejiang Bank.

    Keywords   Bank of Zhejiang ;Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises; Financial Support ,measures

    目  录

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  研究背景及意义 1

    1.2  主要研究内容 1

    2  中国中小出口企业融资现状与分析 3

    2.1  中小企业概念的界定 3

    2.1.1  年销售收入标准................................... ............4

    2.1.2  职工人数标准....................................... ..........4

    2.1.3  资产总额标准......................................... ........5

    2.2  中国中小出口企业融资现状分析 .................................. 5

    2.3  浙江中小出口企业融资现状分析 ............................6

    2.4  中小出口企业融资困难原因分析 8

    3  浙江银行对中小出口企业的金融支持研究 11

    3.1  中小出口企业优质客户资源的拓展

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