



    毕业论文关键词:商业银行 跨国 并购

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title     On cross-border mergers and acquisitions of Chinese

     Commercial Banks                                               


    Cross-border mergers and acquisitions of Chinese commercial banks in the economic globalization and China's financial markets increasingly open environment of the inevitable trend of China's banking sector "going out" with the international financial enterprises competing reflected. Therefore, in the global financial integration and deepen the financial system in the context of China's banking industry mergers and acquisitions has a special significance.

    This paper can be pided into 10 chapters, mainly from acquisitions, mergers and acquisitions, and other related commercial banks to explain the concept of merger Research Progress, China's cross-border banking M & Status, Causes, analyzes the characteristics of introduction, and then put forward for China's banking sector mergers and acquisitions strategy conceived and carried out a strategic analysis.

    Based on the study, there are also many limitations and shortcomings, it is necessary and then the contents of this article to supplement and further research.

    Keyword: Commercial bank   Transnational   mergers and acquisitions

    目   次

    1 引言1

    2 银行业并购概述2

    2.1 商业银行并购相关理论2

    2.1.1 商业银行2

    2.1.2 并购2

    2.1.3 银行并购2

    2.2 银行业跨国并购特点3

    2.3 银行业并购的未来趋势3

    3 我国商业银行跨国并购现状及动因5



    3.3 外资进入现状6

    3.4 我国商业银行“走出去”现状6

    3.5 我国商业银行跨国并购动因7

    3.6 国际竞争力的差距为我国商业银行跨国并购提供的动力7

    4 我国银行业并购策略分析8

    4.1 并购对策分析8

    4.1.1 我国大银行进行对外并购的现实性8


    4.1.3 并购策略8

    4.2 中国银行业并购的战略构想 10

    4.2.1 国有商业银行的重组与整合 10

    4.2.2股份制银行的并购 11

    4.2.3 银行与非银行金融机构的并购 11

    4.2.4 国内外银行相互并购 11

    4.3 我国商业银行提高跨国并购经营绩效的路径 12

    4.3.1 合理选择我国银行业跨国并购的区域及目标国 12

    4.3.2 选择我国银行业合适的市场竞争战略 13

    结论 15

    致谢 16 

    参考文献 17



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