

    毕业论文关键词:银行市场退出机制  存款保险制度  道德风险  效应分析

    Deposit Insurance System and Banks out of the market mechanism

    Abstract: Since the reform and opening up in 1978, China embarked on the road of rapid development, improvement of living standards, rising prices, and both embodies China's financial prosperity, which is also the development of China's banking industry has played a great role in promoting. However, nothing could spend eternity, and similarly, we can not guarantee permanent booming banking sector since the establishment of the banking sector, although there are quite a number of new banks and financial institutions, but also witnessed many banks exit and other financial institutions. The economy, as a country, it is a further retreat is bound to the people, society corresponding impact, increasing the bank is bound to increase competition in the industry, regulatory costs of state and society, the bank will also exit disturb people, It is not conducive to the harmonious and stable development of the banking sector as a whole. Therefore, the establishment of banks out of the market mechanism, as a standard, on the banks out of the market to control the whole process, and with the implementation of the deposit Insurance System, the implementation of the deposit insurance system, so that banks withdraw from the market at the same time, insurance agencies can give appropriate subsidies, which deposits of depositors also be safeguarded, However, the implementation of the deposit insurance system does not completely solve the shortcomings of banks out of the market, it can not fully compensate for the banks out of the market mechanism loopholes, a number of difficult control problems such as moral hazard, bank runs and other phenomena can not be effectively eliminated. Therefore, according to the actual needs of the development of a correct understanding of the bank market exit mechanism and the relationship between the deposit insurance system it is necessary herein by reference and international comparative analysis that the mutual promotion between the two systems with each other to promote, have reciprocal relationship. Due to the limited capacity of academic standards and the level of analysis, this paper analyzed theoretically, supplemented by relevant case empirical comparative analysis on the relationship models are lacking, need to continue in-depth study.

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