    本文从双方的密钥交换协议、三方的密钥交换协议以及密钥交换协议的发展前景出发,对密钥交换协议进行了总结概括和深入研究。此外,本文还对Diffie-Hellman密钥交换协议进行了编程,实现了其在C++平台上的实现,并对软件的运行进行了简要分析。 22286
    毕业论文关键字   密码学   密钥交换   密钥管理   
     Title    the development and research on key exchange protocol and key management protocol            
    In the latest thirty years, computer science has been in people’s daily
    life as the development  of technology, which make the security of science
    become more important. Cryptography which is the root of the security of
    science also has developed a lot.
    In order to exchange common secret key in communication systems, the key
    exchange protocol has been developed. Key management is a set of process
    and mechanism to establish and protect secret key. With the key exchange
    protocol, the users can establish a common secret key which will be kept
    in secret even in an insecure  communication  channel. Key management include
    the production, distribution, storage and destruction of the secret key
    which keep the secret key in safety.
    This paper is to sum up and study key exchange protocol on two-party key
    exchange protocols,  three-party  key  exchange protocols  and the development
    of the key exchange protocols. Besides,we take use of Diffie-Hellman key
    exchange protocol to program making it run on C++ and  offer  a brief analysis
    of the program.
     Key word: cryptography, key exchange, key management
    目   录
    1  绪论  6
    1.1   密码学的发展  6
    1.2   本文的主要安排  7
    2  基础知识  8
    2.1  数学基础  8
    2.2  密码学原语  9
    3  双方的密钥交换协议  10
    3.1  Diffie-Hellman 密钥交换协议  10
    3.2  MTI 密钥交换协议  12
    3.3  MQV 密钥交换协议  14
    3.4  椭圆曲线上的密钥交换协议  15
    3.5  综述  16
    4  三方的密钥交换协议  16
    4.1  三方 Diffie-Hellman 密钥交换协议  16
    4.2  Joux 密钥交换协议  18
    4.3  Zhang、Liu 和 Kim 的密钥协商协议  19
    4.4  综述  21
    5  密钥交换协议的发展前景  21
    5.1  密钥认证  21
    5.2  密钥保护  21
    5.3  量子密码 22
    6  程序简要分析  22
    6.1  基本原理  22
    6.2  程序流程图  24 6.3 程序运行截图  25
    结论  26
    致谢   27
    参考文献  28 6
    1 绪论
    1.1 密码学的发展
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