    关键词: 移动云应用;Android;移动云计算;软件测试自动化;云测试服务;软件测试工具。
    Title  Mobile cloud applications and services to the testing
      ——Issues, Challenges and Progress                 
    With the rise of Apple iOS and Google Android mobile operating system, two powerful development platform and development tools to help developers quickly develop a mobile application software. Development of mobile Internet will bring the Internet to people's daily lives, and mobile application software is the most critical carrier ; operation of mobile devices , network connections, smaller storage space , a different screen size and mobility , have made mobile application software operating procedures and interface design with traditional PC applications completely different demands on the user experience further . Will explore how to test mobile applications based on the analysis of mobile applications software and the traditional PC application software differs based on further analysis of the project to bring mobile applications bring new challenges and gives software testing solutions . The main application of the current status of software testing technology on the move and mobile cloud testing services; how to build reusable mobile testing environment; APP and mobile features for mobile Web applications and needs, and how well-defined standard test models and coverage; how to develop mobile applications and automated testing standard test automation solutions.
    By studying familiar with the use of software testing methods and software testing tools; familiar with the characteristics of mobile cloud computing ; familiar with the software test automation solutions ; comprehension test coverage analysis and modeling .
    KEYWORDS: Mobile cloud applications; Android, mobile cloud computing; software test automation; cloud testing services; software testing tools.
    目     次
    1  引  言    1
    2  主要软件测试技术在移动中的应用    2
    2.1 软件测试方法与技术    2
    2.2 在移动中的应用    3
    3 移动云测试服务的研究现状    5
    3.1 移动云计算产品的发展现状    5
    3.2 云测试服务研究现状    6
    3.3 研究目的和意义    7
       3.4  移动云计算的特点    8
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