    关键词  Android系统  重打包  静态检测  应用签名
    Title    Research and Implementation of Detecting Fake Android 应用lication                                                  
    As the most popular mobile system, Android, with its security has drawn public attention. In this paper, To solve the problem brought by the flooding fake applications, specially repackaged application, this study designed authentication system based on static detection technology. System contains the mobile side and server-side two parts, by getting the application package name, signature, permissions and other security information, the system generates eigenvalues of the applications on the server side for comparison and recording. The results show that the system can detect a certain number of fake applications. And after analyzing the application which were not detected, we find two features they share. For one is not using the correct package name, And the other is to bypass the signature mechanism, or the publisher use multiple signatures. At last, the study proposed a possible solution of the combination of static detection and dynamic monitoring.
    Keywords  Android  Repackage  static detection   application signature
    目   次
    1 引言    1
    1.1 研究背景    1
    1.2 Android检测技术国内外研究现状    4
    1.3 本文结构和内容    5
    2 Android系统及其权限机制简介    7
    2.1 Android系统构架简介    7
    2.2 Android 应用程序权限规则    8
    2.3 Android 系统对应用程序权限申请的处理    10
    3 Android静态检测系统的系统实现    11
    3.1 SignatureQuery.apk的设计    11
    3.2模块设计    12
    3.3 代码实现    14
    4 Android静态检测系统的测试和分析    19
    4.1 未检测出的应用的特征    19
    4.2 检测出的虚假应用的特征    19
    4.3 误测的应用的特征    20
    5 结  论    21
    6 致  谢    22
    1 引言
    1.1 研究背景
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