    Abstract  In recent years, surveying and mapping industry has entered the digital surveying and mapping of the progressive era, digital information data has become mapping, land, water conservancy, deformation monitoring and so on industry essential important support.Especially in the urban construction, the demand for efficient and fast digital surveying and mapping results products continued to increase and is accompanied by some engineering surveying and mapping work short construction period, high quality requirements. Now has a higher demand for digital surveying and mapping, the high standard, high quality and high speed requirements are far from some routine before the inspection data processing means to meet. This has become a big bottleneck of current production process of Surveying and mapping industry. Therefore, improve the inspection data processing means has become a urgent problem to be solved.
    In the study and work measurement, some work is often needed to be done, such as coordinates of the positive and negative balance and amplitude calculation of number, range, azimuth angle and angle radian converted to each other. Some work if you use manual or computer operations, will have a lot of shortcomings, not only time-consuming and very easy to make mistakes. Some workers have to use computer programming. But if in VB program, will be used to measurement and calculation process such as the coordinates of the positive and negative, framing number, range, azimuth angle calculation together, made into a measuring software package, some problems will be solved, bring great convenience and to measure the work.
    Key words:  VB, measurement and calculation, software package
    摘   要    II
    Abstract    III
    1  绪  论    1
    1.1  概述    1
    1.2  国内外研究现状    1
    数学模型    1
    2.1坐标正反算    1
    2.1.1坐标正算    2
    2.1.2坐标反算    2
    2.2 分幅与编号    2
    2.2.1 标准    3
    2.3 前方交会    4
    2.4 三角高程计算    5
    2.5 角度弧度换算    5
    3  算例与代码    6
    3.1 软件包设计    6
    3.2坐标正反算    7
    3.3 分幅与编号    10
    3.4 前方交会    13
    3.5 三角高程计算    14
    3.6 角度弧度换算    16
    4  总结    17
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