


    Research on the Influencing Factors of College Student consumers' Information Seeking Behavior on Taobao

    Abstract:With the rapid development of the Internet, the development of online shopping is also becoming faster and faster, and the research on the influencing factors consumer shopping information seeking behavior is becoming more and more important. This paper takes college students' consumer groups on Taobao as the research object, through the collating of the previous research, we can get the influencing factors of four dimensions: the context factor, the website factor, the product factor and the consumer inpidual factor. Using the method of questionnaire survey, investigating the four influencing factors of college students’ consumer, and then using the correlation analysis and regression analysis to analyzes the data. According to the analysis results, the four influencing factors are significantly correlated with the information seeking behavior, and the influencing of context factors on information seeking behavior is most significant, product factors and site factors followed.

    Keywords: information seeking behavior; the influencing factors; correlation analysis; regression analysis

    目 录

    摘要 1

    关键词 1

    Abstract 1

    Keywords 1

    引言 2

    一、信息搜寻行为影响因素研究现状 2

    (一)信息搜寻行为概述 2

    (二)国内外信息搜寻行为影响因素研究概述 2

    二、问卷设计 3

    三、研究数据分析 5

    (一)信度分析 5

    (二)个体差异性分析检验 5

    1.性别对信息搜寻行为的影响 6

    2.年级、会员等级、每月生活费对信息搜寻行为的影响 6

    (三)大学生淘宝网购物的信息搜寻行为的影响因素研究 7

    1.消费者个体因素对大学生淘宝网购物的信息搜寻行为的影响 8

    2.网站因素对大学生淘宝网购物的信息搜寻行为的影响 8

    3.产品因素对大学生淘宝网购物的信息搜寻行为的影响 8

    4.情境因素对大学生淘宝网购物的信息搜寻行为的影响 9

    (四)大学生淘宝网购物的信息搜寻行为的回归分析 9

    四、总结与不足 10

    (一)总结 10

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