
    摘要:图书馆作为教育与科技的重要组成部分,随着社会的信息化程度也在不断地提高,其信息呈现爆炸式的增长,而传统笔录式图书馆管理方式已经很难满足其需求。通过对图书馆管理系统的运行管理机制进行调查和研究,设计了此图书馆管理信息系统。本文中主要介绍了图书馆管理事务中的常见基本问题等研究背景,进行了全面的可行性分析,详细论证了系统的需求分析、数据库设计、系统设计与实现和系统测试过程。本系统是在Windows 7平台下,利用Sqlite数据库,使用java语言编写Eclipse软件开发实现的。系统实现的主要功能有:系统登录、读者查询、系统设置、图书管理、读者管理、书籍借还记录、借书卡管理。测试结果表明,本系统实现了图书馆图书管理的主要功能,基本满足图书管理的需要。62796


    Abstract: Library as an important part of education and science and technology, with the continuous development of social informatization degree is in constant increase, the growth of all kinds of information explosion, and the traditional record type library management way has been difficult to meet the demand. Through the operation and management mechanism of library management system investigation and research, the library management information system is designed. This article mainly introduced the common basic questions of the library management, etc. The research background, analyzed the feasibility of the comprehensive and detailed demonstration of the system requirements analysis, database design, system design and implementation and system testing process. This system is in Windows 7 platform, using the Sqlite database, use Java language Eclipse software development. The main functions of the system implementation are: the system login, readers query, system Settings, books management, reader management, library card management, books borrowing records. Test results show that this system has realized the main functions of the library books management, basically meet the need of books management.

    Keyword: Library management, database design, software development

    1 绪论 5

    1.1开发背景 5

    1.2图书馆信息化管理 5

    1.3系统综合要求及运行环境 5

    1.4系统可行性研究分析 6

    2系统需求分析 7

    2.1应用需求分析 7

    2.2 功能需求分析 8

    2.3 数据需求分析 8

    3系统数据库设计 10

    3.1数据库设计概述 10

    3.2数据库数据结构设计 11

    4图书管理信息系统设计 14

    4.1系统设计的目的和意义 14

    4.2图书馆管理系统设计指导思想和原则 15

    4.3 系统开发软件环境与编程语言 15

    4.4 系统网络协议设计 16

    4.4.1网络协议概述 16

    4.4.2协议数据格式与字段说明 17

    4.5图书馆管理系统子模块流程 18

    5.实验测试系统的结果与分析 25

    结论 30


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