


    毕业论文关键词:传感器 数据质量 质量评估


    Title        The data quality evaluation that under the background of Wisdom city 


    Current sensor-based monitoring systems use multiple sensors in order to identify high-level information based on the events that take place in the monitored environment. This information is obtained through low-level processing of sensory media streams, which are usually noisy and imprecise, leading to many undesired consequences such as incorrect data or incomplete data, inconsistent data.

    Therefore, we need a mechanism to compute the quality of sensor-driven information that would help a user or a system in making an informed decision and improve the automated monitoring process. In this article, with wisdom city management as the application background, the inclinometer data as the research object, researching a kind of efficient data quality evaluation method based on sensor observations.And we propose a model to characterize such quality of information in a multisensor multimedia monitoring system in terms of certainty, accuracy/confidence and timeliness. Our model adopts a multimodal fusion approach to obtain the target information and dynamically compute these attributes based on the observations of the participating sensors. Finally, the proposed data quality assessment algorithm has been implemented in this paper, and the performance of the algorithm is verified by experiment.

    Key words: sensors  data quality  the quality evaluation

    1. 绪论 1

    1.1 研究背景 1

    1.2 研究意义 2

    1.3  相关技术的发展研究现状 4

    1.3.1 基于传感器的信息质量测量 4

    1.3.2非感官信息的质量测量 6

    1.4 本文研究内容及篇章结构 7

    1.4.1 研究内容 7

    1.4.2 篇章结构 7

    2. 物联网感知应用中检测事件的通用框架 9

    2.1 通用事件检测框架 9

    2.2 相关概念 10

    3. 数据质量度量模型 10

    3.1 问题形式化 11

    3.2 建立模型 11

    3.2.1 模拟质量属性 12

    3.2.2信息质量的聚合机制 16

    4.算法实现 18

    4.1 确定性算法实现

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