

    不同过去的标准,H.264不仅加快了编码速度,传输上面比以前快了非常多。H.264应用了帧内预测,整数变换,不同的预测块大小,多个参考帧,1/4象素预测精度,自适应算术编码,去块效应滤波器(De-blocking filter)以及基于率失真优模型选择算法。H.264视频编码层分为视频编码层VCL和网络提取层网络抽象层NAL。因此,H.264可以达到很高的压缩比,可以在所有速率下继续提供高的视频质量。63454


    本文提供了一种H.264的算法,能够在图像不失帧的情况下使全零块的检测更加效率。本文包括这些方面:首先,介绍了视频压缩技术的背景知识,,讲述了国内外视频编码的发展趋势,对H.264 编码的流程做了一个讲解;把整数变换的过程呈现出来,自适应可变长度编码技术(CAVLC)和结合宏块大小的自适应块变换(ABT)技术;然后论文对H.264全零块检测详细的分析,对比了传统方法与新发现检测方法的编码效率;最后相比较传统编码结果做出分析。

    同时,在264中,通过运动预测获得的残差信号进行整数变换编码。 在很多情况下,特别是在低比特率条件下,整体概率高与一零量化系数块。 在本文中,我们比较了几种现有的全零块检测算法的特点4x4整数转换其自身特点,整数转换和量化过程反演,并采用次级治理并且获得了用于检测所有零系数块的新算法。 实验结果表明,与现有的方法比,这种方法不能在提高视频编码质量的前提下有效提高零零块检测率,降低所需的计算量。


     Abstract   The H.264 standard is a new generation of video compression coding standards developed by (ISO / IEC) and (ITU-T) Joint Video Group (JVT). In the video conferencing, network video and set-top box service video decoding program occupies a major position. It appears, so that the bandwidth occupied by the video transmission greatly reduced, and promote the development of such industries.

    H264 compared with the previous standard not only speed up the coding speed, in the transmission more advantages. H.264 applies intra prediction, integer transform, different prediction block size, multiple reference frames, 1/4 pixel prediction accuracy, adaptive arithmetic coding, de-blocking filter, and rate-based Distortion optimization model selection algorithm and other technologies. H.264 is pided into Video Coding Layer (VCL) and Network Abstraction Layer (NAL). Therefore, H.264 can achieve a very high compression ratio, at all bit rates can continue to provide higher video quality.

      As the mainstream video coding standard, H.264 plays a very important role in a very large number of areas. Compared to the previous algorithm, the transmission of a video occupied by the network bandwidth is too large, the old algorithm restricts the development of the video transmission industry, since the rise of H.264, video on demand and transmission industry has sprung up. This is the trend of the development of the times, but also human progress in the video coding a big step forward. Now people's home cable TV is to use this new algorithm, greatly facilitate our leisure life. Internet video interaction allows people to communicate in different places, communication into a new era.

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