
    摘要随着 5G 技术以及移动互联网的普及,以 Android 和 ios 为代表的智能手机也逐 渐被越来越多的消费者所使用。智能手机给人们带来乐趣的同时,随之而来的还有手机上面的移动数据流量的激增。在Android系统中的很多应用程序需要接入3G或WLAN网络,甚至有些应用会在Android系统运行的时候,在后台接入网络进行数据下载。因此,在无线互联网络提供的服务日益多样化和复杂化的今天,对网络流量进行智能化的控制显得日益重要。本课题以Android手机系统为平台,着重研究了 Android 智能手机的流量监控技术.并设计实现了Android平台数据流量采集与统计的程序。64197


    (1)分析与研究了Android平台的体系结构与开发方法。通过对Android系统Framework提供的数据连接以及对Trafficstats 类的研究,设计相关流量监测软件



    毕业论文关键词  Android;流量监控;流量统计。


    Title Traffic Monitoring on Android

    Abstract With 5G technology and the popularity of mobile Internet to Android and ios represented smartphones have gradually been more and more consumers are using. Smart phones to bring fun, but there followed a cell phone's mobile data traffic surge. There are many applications in Android system need to access to the 3G or WLAN. Some of the applications access to the Internet at the background when the Android is running. Since Android system of intelligent mobile phone as the background application networking steal flow will often bring unnecessary losses to users, the network traffic intelligent control become increasingly important. 

    The main work of this paper include: 

    (1) Analysis and Research of the Android platform architecture and development methodology. Through the Android system as well as data connections Framework provides classes for Trafficstats research, design-related traffic monitoring software;

    (2) Design and implementation of data traffic on the Android platform collection and statistical procedures, the procedures for collecting data flow, control and traffic statistics module and the mapping of data map.

    (3)Application of validated through mobile data traffic flow monitoring capabilities of the system acquisition, data statistics and the correct statistical graphics module for correct rendering.

    Keywords: Android;Traffic monitoring; Traffic statistics.

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 课题的目的及意义 1

    1.2 本文的主要工作 3

    1.3 本文的组织结构及章节安排 3

    2 相关原理与技术 1

    2.1 Android技术 1

    2.2 Android开发框架 2

    2.2.1 应用程序 3

    2.2.2 应用程序框架(Application Frameworks) 3


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