
    摘 要:如今智能手机已经越来越普及,智能手机的软件市场也越来越火爆,为了能让用户能够随时随地的查询到互联网上的信息和服务,将应用软件嵌入到手机中已成为市场的需求。本项目采用Eclipse工具开发,利用Java语言编写,在Android端实现了天气预报的功能,可查询当天具体天气信息,未来七天的天气情况以及24小时内的天气,更人性化的是还有天气温馨指数功能,让用户更好的安排好自己的生活。本文主要针对项目的实现过程具体的论述,并且附有图片的说明,核心代码的注释。最后还对项目做了测试,并且提出了需要改进的地方。67702


    Abstract:Today, smart phones have become more and more popular, smartphone software market has become increasingly popular. In order to allow users to anywhere in the query to the Internet information and services, the application of embedded software to mobile phone has become the market demand. The project using the eclipse development tools, using the Java language to write, the end of the Android realizes the function of weather forecast, the day query specific weather information and weather over the next seven days and within 24 hours of weather, more human nature is still warm weather index function, let users better arrange their life. This paper focuses on the specific implementation process of the project, and with theillustration, the core code notes. At the end of the project to do the test, and put forward the place needs to be improved.

    Keywords:Eclipse, Android, weather forecast


    目   录

    1 前言 6

    1.1 开发背景及现状分析 6

    1.2 系统设计目标 6

    1.3 论文组织结构 7

    2 需求分析 7

    2.1 用户对系统的需求 7

    2.2 开发人员对系统的需求 7

    3系统设计 7

    3.1 开发环境搭建 7

    3.1.1 安装eclipse 7

    3.1.2 安装jdk 8

    3.1.3 安装sdk 8

    3.1.4 安装adt 8

    3.2 开发步骤 9

    3.3 系统流程图 9

    3.4 涉及到的主要技术 9

    4 详细功能实现 10

    4.1 引导页 10

    4.2 城市选择 11

    4.3 当前天气界面 12

    4.4 未来七天天气预报 15

    4.5 逐小时预报 16

    4.6 温馨指数 16

    4.7 分享界面 17

    4.8 天气动画效果 17

    4.8.1 云彩漂浮动画 18

    4.8.2 小鸟飞行动画 18

    4.8.3 风车旋转动画

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