
    摘要图像增强是构成图像处理的一个核心技术环节,在提高图像质量方面发挥 关键作用。它通过了解人类的需求或是计算机的处理需要而突出图像中感兴趣的 部分,并且同时抑制不重要的部分,以达到预期的处理效果,得到更适应于人类 需要以及更适合于计算机进处理的图像。69629

    本文系统介绍了灰度变换增强、空域滤波增强和频域滤波增强技术理论。在 此基础上介绍了图像增强的目的和研究意义、图像增强的发展历史以及国内外的 发展状况和实际应用。然后,针对灰度变换与空域滤波增强技术作简要介绍,着 重分析频域滤波增强技术以及与之相对应的低通和高通滤波器,并在 MATLAB 环 境下编程验证设计的滤波器。实验结果表明:与灰度变换增强和空域滤波增强相 比,频域滤波增强更能有效地滤除噪声并减少模糊干扰,但图像还是会有边缘模 糊。

    该论文有图 17 幅,表 2 个,参考文献 29 篇

    毕业论文关键词:图像增强 灰度变换 空域滤波 频域滤波

    The design of image enhancement algorithms based on Matlab


    Image enhancement is composed of image processing of a part of the core technology, to improve the quality of image play a key role. It through an understanding of the needs of human or computer processing need to highlight the part of interest in the image, while suppressing the unimportant part so as to the desired treatment effect, more adapt to the human needs and more suitable  to computer processing of image.

    This paper introduces the gray transform enhancement technology theory, spatial filtering enhancement and frequency domain filtering enhancement. Based on the introduction of the purpose of image enhancement and image enhancement research significance, the development history and the development status at home and abroad and the practical application. Then, according to the gray transformation are briefly introduced and the spatial filtering enhancement technology, focuses on the  analysis of frequency domain enhanced filtering technology and the corresponding low pass and high pass filter, and in MATLAB programming environment to verify the design of the filter. The experimental results show that with the gray transform enhancement and spatial filtering enhancement than frequency domain filtering enhancement can effectively eliminate the noise and reduce the interference of image fuzzy, but there will still be blur.

    This paper has 17 figures, 2 tables, 29 references.

    Key words:  image enhancement gray transform spatial filtering frequency domain filtering


    摘要 I

    Abstract II

    目录 III

    图清单 IV

    表清单 IV

    变量注释表 V

    1 绪 论 1

    1.1 图像增强的应用 1

    1.2 发展历史 2

    1.3 本文的研究内容 3

    2 图像增强算法 5

    2.1 图像增强的定义 5

    2.2 图像增强的体系结构 6

    2.3 图像增强的基本算法 7

    2.4 灰度变换增强 7

    2.6 空域滤波增强

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