

    毕业论文关键词: 大数据;数据库;查询优化;索引;SQL语句

    Development of large data query system for monitoring and recording equipment

    Abstract: With the development of society, we entered twenty-first Century, twenty-first Century is the era of the Internet. The rapid development in computer technology today, the Internet has been integrated into our lives, in our lives: TV, computer, tablet, mobile phone has become necessary in our life. All kinds of equipment have also appeared in front of us. Before, have the same function, or a new invention. With the cloud storage technology becomes more mature, big data to understand ah soundless and stirless our life. Big data query efficiency has become our current urgent need to address the problem. As the network technology innovation, big data has become As we known to every family words. Big data is used to describe an enterprise in the management of data in the process of generating a lot of concrete structure and has a semi structured data, or when we want to analyze these data, you have to spend a lot of time and money to deal with. We usually use the app or web applications, in a variety of operations on the database, the data query results and analysis of the operation is the most. If we can use the query methods and strategies for efficient query operation, can usually reduce the amount of query time and reduce consumption, so as to improve. Inquiry efficiency. Big data equipment monitoring and recording volume query system to analyze and Research on the SQL language and database query performance based on the research content and process of database SQL query processing can be solved when the general query in a large amount of data query problem on the other hand, detailed study of query process and optimization method these methods include the index query, SQL optimization and partition table to create the optimization methods for improving query efficiency.

    Keywords: Big data; database; query optimization; index; SQL statement


    1 绪论 1

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