
    摘  要随着计算机网络急速的发展的步伐,互联网技术应用愈发广,覆盖域的不断扩增,酒店行业计算机的应用也获得了重大的发展机遇。新式的计算机网络以及管理系统,终将会提高管理效能,改善服务水准。所以酒店管理系统是绝对必要的新式酒店经营管理的工具。系统关键功能涵盖会员预订,以及对用户、客房、入住信息、个人信息的管理几方面。69350


    毕业论文关键词:酒店管理系统  小型酒店  B/S结构

    Design and Implementation of Hotel Management System 


    With the fast pace of computer network development, the application of Internet technology is more and more widely, expanding network coverage area, has brought great development opportunity for computer application in Hotel industry. The new computer network and management system, hotel management will be to increase efficiency, improve the quality of the service. So the hotel management system is a indispensable modern hotel management tool. The main functions of the system include: member booking, hotel management, user management, in information management, personal information management.

    This paper mainly expounds the design and implementation of the small hotel management system. In the dynamic web application development and data access based on the technology, described the system design realization and the use of development tools and related technologies. This paper discusses a simplified Web application model, to complete a small hotel management system based on B/S.

    Key Words:  hotel management system  small hotel  B/S structure 

    目  录


    Abstract II


    1 绪论 1

    1.1 课题背景 1

    1.2 目的和意义 1

    1.3 论文组织和结构 2

    2 相关技术介绍 3

    2.1 java简介 3

    2.2 JSP简介 4

    2.3 MySQL简介 4

    2.4 框架简介 4

    2.5 Eclipse简介 4

    2.6 Tomcat简介 5

    2.7 开发环境简介 5

    3 系统需求分析 6

    3.1可行性分析 6

    3.2功能需求分析 6

    3.3数据库需求分析 7

    3.4设计的基本思想 7

    3.6界面需求 8

    4 系统设计 9

    4.1系统运行模式 9

    4.2功能模块设计 10

    4.3设计数据库 11

    5 系统实现 14

    5.1登陆页面 14

    5.2前台网站模块 14


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