


    毕业论文关键词:线上教育  教学网站  在线练习 

    Design and implementation of "Algorithms and Data Structures" Teaching Network


    Internet era is a wave of education catching up with technology. Using the Internet for online education has become the trend.  This study has constructed educational sites aimed at the problem that college students can not learn course  "Algorithms and Data Structures" online comprehensively and deeply. The construction of the sites makes full use of the Java language, combined with the current status of online teaching courses and teaching characteristics. After the research of self-experience and teaching on the website, it has been decided to design the system using JAVA + MYSQL database + Apache server implementation. "Algorithms and Data Structures" course teaching website includes popular courses, one day asked, popular courseware browsing,as well as online courses, multimedia courseware downloads, online exercises. The study puts less money, but contributes to the effective use of teaching resources, and actively responds to the plan advocating learning to speak in XuZhou . The systematic online education and  the complete knowledge are in favor of the integrity of the below-the-line education to improve the quality of teaching college students.

    Key Words:Online education  The teaching website  Online practice

    目  录

    摘  要 I

    Abstract II

    目  录 III

    图清单 IV

    表清单 IV

    1绪论 1

    1.1课题背景及研究意义 1

    1.2开发语言及开发工具 2

    1.3系统功能概述以及展望 4

    1.4 本章小结 4

    2需求分析 5

    2.1功能需求分析 5

    2.2性能需求 7

    2.3可行性分析 7

    2.4本章小结 8

    3系统总体功能模块设计 9

    3.1 系统模块设计 9

    3.2数据库设计 11

    3.3 本章小结 13

    4系统的实现 14

    4.1 首页 14

    4.2 四大板块的实现 15

    4.3 练习以及提交

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