


    毕业论文关键词:班级评优系统  管理系统  数据库知识  Java知识  

    The Selection Class System Design and Implementation


    Students in the school each semester, each class must be on a semester of study and summarize the results, and of course on elections and awards for outstanding students, so every student has selected excellent semester classes will be held. Held classes selected gifted classes will be a lot of time to occupy an afternoon time, because the whole class will include (release of personal evaluation report card, fill in personal performance evaluation of a single student vote tellers, choose good student) five areas, not only takes up students valuable learning time also increased the teacher's tasks. To solve this problem, I use my knowledge and grasp of java mysql database knowledge to prepare the optimal selection class system, student information management, performance entry and voting roll student and other functions. The entire system is guided by the instructor, I write alone. The main automated voting system automation and elections, while at the same time is the result of the vote, eliminating the tedious process of manual operation. The system has a very good system of privileges, each authority has a separate function. Students will be able to quickly and effectively optimal selection.

    Key Words: The selection class system  management system  database knowledge java knowledge 

    目  录





    1 绪论---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1

    1.1 课题背景及研究意义---------------------------------------------------------------------1

    1.2 开发工具的选择及语言介绍------------------------------------------------------------1

    1.3 本文研究内容及主要贡献---------------------------------------------------------------2

    2 需求分析---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4

    2.1 功能需求------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4

    2.2 数据流程------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7

    2.3 可行性分析---------------------------------------------------------------------------------8

    2.4 本章小结----------------------------------------------------------------------------------10

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