

    毕业论文关键词:电影推荐系统  电影推荐  推荐系统 

    Design and Implementation of Movie Recommendation System


    With the rapid development of information technology, people's way of life has been greatly changed. People are more committed to the development of information and entertainment activities, which belong to an important category of information and entertainment. Designing a movie recommender system for all kinds of films and information integration, can effectively solve the current situation of the online film jumbled, so as to give people a more standardized and simple movie browsing experience. In this paper, the development of movie recommendation system is based on customers’ requirement. The system is designed by the MVC framework, and useing JSP technology to achieve the dynamic effect of the site.At last, the MYSQL is used as database. The system consists of two parts, including the front display part and the background management part. The main function of the system is to view and recommend the film. The system background functions consist of customer management, film management, classification management and click volume management. At present, the system is in good condition, which is convenient for users to choose their favorite movies.

    Key Words:  Movie Recommendation System; Movie Recommendation; Recommendation     System 

    目 录

    摘  要 I

    Abstract II



    表清单 VI

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 背景 1

    1.2 系统开发意义 1

    1.3系统开发方法 1

    1.4本文的主要内容和组织结构 1

    1.5本章小结 2

    2技术介绍 3

    2.1 系统的运行环境 3

    2.2 网站开发工具JSP介绍 3

    2.3 系统开发语言 3

    2.4 MySQL介绍 3

    2.5 MVC模式 3

    2.6 Spring框架 4

    2.7本章小结 5

    3需求分析 6

    3.1系统角色分析 6

    3.2系统功能需求 7

    3.3性能需求 7

    3.4总体数据流图 7

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