
    摘要随着国家对知识产权保护的加强,人们对知识产权保护认知的不断提升以及 知识产权申请、转让以及保护的操作越来越复杂,随着网络技术与计算机软件技 术越来越广泛地应用到生活的各个方面,通过互联网方式了解知识产权相关知识, 利用知识产权代理服务平台成为了个人或企业处理知识产权申请、转让、咨询等 相关问题首选。69135

    知识产权代理,是指针对通过长期知识以及经验积累,获得新产品新技术, 包括在文学著作、科技研究、新产品发明等等方面的公司或个人,需要为所属的 新产品、新技术申请国家认证或者需要转让时,将该方面工作托付于专业的知识 产权代理方,解决包括商标、专利、作品版权(著作权)、软件版权(著作权)、 集成电路设计等知识产权的申请、转让以及咨询等问题。

    “知识产权代理服务系统是一个基于 WEB 技术的 B/S 结构的服务系统,基本[1]页面的设计与功能实现是采用 JSP 开发语言,后台数据库选用的是 MYSQL” 。

    毕业论文关键词:MYSQL 知识产权 JSP 代理 B/S

    The design and implementation of intellectual property agency service system


    Along with the strengthening of Intellectual Property Protection by our country,People's awareness of intellectual property protection was improved.Along with the applications ,transfer and protections of IP become Increasingly complex.With the network technology and computer technology becomes more important in our life,Learning IP knowledge through the net and useing intellectual property agency services platform become peoples first choose to solve the problems of the applications, transfer, consulting of Intellectual property.

    Intellectual Property Agency,It means a long-term accumulation of knowledge and experience, access to new products and new technologies.Including literature, science and technology research, new product invention of companies or inpiduals.If you need to Apply for national certification for your new technology or transfer the IP of companies,you can entrusted these  problems to Professional IP Agent.They  can solve these problems of Applicating, transfer and consulting of IP,It includes the following information:Trademarks, patents, copyright works,Software copyright,IC Design.

    Intellectual property agency services system is based on WEB technology, B/S structure.The basic design of the page and Function realization is used JSP development language.Back-end database is used MYSQL.

    KeyWords:MYSQL    Intellectual property    JSP    Agent   B/S


    Abstract II


    图清单 . Ⅴ

    表清单 . Ⅴ

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 研究背景 1

    1.2 研究目的及意义 2

    1.3 系统的研究内容和设计思想 2

    2 系统分析 3

    2.1 可行性分析 3

    2.2 需求分析 4

    2.3 系统数据流分析 5

    2.4 网站开发目标 7

    3 系统设计

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  2. 下一篇:jsp+sqlserver鲜花在线销售系统的设计+ER图
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