
    摘  要随着时代的发展,电脑硬件价格的下降和技术的普及,计算机已经被应用于社会各行业。然而,许多中小型医院仍处于依赖人工操作方式来维持医院运转的状态,导致人工费用偏高且工作效率低下。医院查询与挂号系统的开发可以大大提高医院管理的高效性和科学性。69351



    毕业论文关键词:查询 预约 管理

    The Design and Implementation of Online Reservation and Registration System Based on Web


    With the development of the times, the decline of the price of computer hardware and the popularization of technology, computer has been applied to all sectors of the society.Informatization construction has become the saving production cost, improve the work efficiency of the choice. However, many small and medium hospitals still rely on manual mode of operation to keep the hospital running state, leading to labor costs higher and work efficiency is low. Hospital inquiry and registration system development can greatly improve the efficient and scientific management of hospital.

    This paper mainly by the hospital inquiry and registration system analysis, design and Realization of several parts. In the first stage mainly carries on the feasibility analysis, in a hospital-based survey, analysis and inquiry and registration process specific, established the data dictionary; and then the total design of the system. The stage identified each function framework to build up basic; in the database design were studied, and the notion and The style of the data table.

    The style of this system will be beneficial to solve the difficulty of einschreiben patient, but also to the hospital information administration has brought new expectation. In the coming year, the patient through the network of query and registered, the hospital through the network management, must be the trend of the times.

    Key Words:Query  Registration  Supervise   

    目  录





    1 绪论 1

    1.1项目开发的背景 1

    1.2项目开发目的 1

    1.3国内外研究现状 1

    2 需求分析 2

    2.1 可行性分析 2

    2.2系统综合要求 3

    2.3系统流程图 4

    2.4系统数据流图 5

    2.5数据字典 7

    2.6开发环境 7

    3 系统设计 8

    3.1总体设计 8

    3.2数据库的设计 9

    4 系统实现 14

    4.1用户模块 14

    4.2管理员模块 19

    5 性能测试和分析

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