


    关键词  网络舆情  舆情演化  BDI  Agent  netlogo 

    毕业论文 外 文 摘 要

    Title   Subjective effects of Internet users among emotion simulation  

    Abstract With the popularity of the Internet, the role of Internet users become more complex, while the network evolution and dissemination of public opinion has become elusive, but currently still in this regard is still in the research stage theory, in practice, the application of relatively weak, practical guidance on the smaller.

    Based on the knowledge of the theoretical system of network public opinion, as well as Agent BDI model combines theory, application software netlogo simulation model of network public opinion propagation process simulation, obtained in the process of transmission network public opinion impact factor is how it affects the spread of network public opinion, confirms the reality , back to reality.

    Keywords  Internet public opinion    Evolution of public opinion  BDI  Agent   netlogo


    1  概述 1

    1.1 研究背景 1

    1.2 研究现状 1

    1.3 研究意义 2

    2  网络舆情演化与网民群体的基本特征 2

    2.1 网络舆情 2

    2.1.1 网络舆情的特点 2

    2.1.2网络舆情的主要传播途径 3

    2.1.3网络舆情的演变进程 4

    2.1.4 网络舆情的层次结构 5

    2.1.5 影响网络舆情传播的因子 5

    2.2  网民群体 6

    2.2.1 网民群体的几个特点 6

    3  网民群体情感主观效用 9

    3.1  主观效用 9

    3.2  BDI 模型 10

    3.3  BDI和主观效用的关系 11

    4  基于Agent的网民群体主观效用仿真方法研究 12

    4.1  Agent理论模型 12

    4.2  网络舆情基于BDI的agent结构模型 12

    4.3  BDI模型在Agent属性和行为上的体现 13

    4.4  Netlogo介绍 13

    5  仿真实现设计与实现 14

    5.1  研究的基本假设 14

    5.2  模型的设计思路 15

    5.3 模型建立 16

    6  仿真研究结果与分析 18

    6.1  程序运行结果

  1. 上一篇:特定主题领域文本信息处理系统的设计与开发
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