

    毕业论文关键词  转移成本  用户忠诚  调节效应  B2B  结构方程

    毕业论文 外 文 摘 要

    Title  Measurement and Inspection of Moderating Effect of Switching Cost in the Formation of Customer Loyalty In B2B E-intermediary Abstract

    Along with the appearing and development of e-commerce, the way of shopping becomes perse. This obviously brings new challenges to companies. Many research have reveals that owning customers’ satisfaction is not enough for a long benefit, customers will still turn to other products which may provide better service or functions. This paper is based on a widely consulting of the research and a deeply summary of old study, we abstract some key antecedents of users’ loyalty of B2B e-intermediary under network externality, create the conceptual model and measurement model and make the discussing of the moderating effect of switching cost which work on the formation of e-loyalty as an important point. Then, we analyzed the result of the questionnaires using SPSS and make and revise the structure equation using AMOS.  Finally, we made a empirical test to the moderating effect of switching cost on customer loyalty.

    Keywords  switching cost  customer loyalty  moderating effect   B2B  structure equation

    1  绪论 2

    1.1 选题背景及研究意义 2

    1.1.1  选题背景 2

    1.1.2  选题意义 3

    1.2  研究现状综述 4

    1.2.1  有关转移成本之研究 4

    1.2.2  有关B2B电子中介用户忠诚的研究 5

    1.2.3  调节变量与调节效应 5

    1.3  论文的研究内容和研究方法 6

    1.3.1  研究内容 6

    1.3.2  研究方法 6

    2  理论基础与研究假设 7

    2.1  用户忠诚 7

    2.1.1  用户忠诚的含义 7

    2.1.2  用户忠诚的形成机制 7

    2.2  转移成本 12

    2.2.1  转移成本的定义 12

    2.2.2  转移成本的分类 13

    2.3  测量模型的构建 14

    2.3.1  用户忠诚的测量模型 15

    2.3.2  网络外部性的测量模型 15

    2.3.3  感知价值的测量模型

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