

    关键词  轨道交通  轮对  趋势分析  故障告警  周期优化


    Title Wheelsets Management Information System of Urban Rail Transit Vehicles ——The Development of Key Intelligent Modules 

    Abstract With the continuous advance of China's urbanization, urban rail transit has been developing rapidly. Wheelsets act a key component of urban rail transit vehicles, whose security increasingly widespread attention. Its’ dimensions, wear data and fault status need to be recorded, analysis and forecast. While Wheel information can be automated processing and analysis on wheelsets management information system,the functions of the wheelsets management information system are being constantly expanded. This paper based on research status at home and abroad, adds some key modules to the management information system, including giving an example how to analyze wheel wear data and trend, applied to the analysis results, system can achieve automatically outputs; piding the fault state into some grades; a design of a hardware alarm process; raising an optimization of the wheel re-profiling cycle. Some key intelligence modules of the wheelset management system are completed initially.

    Keywords  Rail Transit    Trend Analysis    Wheelsets Fault Classification     Cycle optimization

    1 绪论 1

    1.1  引言 1

    1.2  国内外研究现状 1

    1.2.1 轮对状态检测方法 1

    1.2.2 轮对数据分析方法 3

    1.2.3  轮对镟修优化 5

    1.2.4 轮对数据管理模块现状 5

    2 轮对检测数据分析 6

    2.1 特征分析与提取 6

    2.2 趋势分析 6

    2.2.1 趋势描述 6

    2.2.2 轮对平均磨耗率计算 8

    2.3 规律分析 8

    2.4  数据测试分析在管理信息系统中的应用 8

    3  轮对故障分级及告警 10

    3.1 轮对故障 10

    3.2  轮对镟修 10

    3.3 故障风险等级 11

    3.4 硬件语音告警 13

    3.4.1  告警模块功能设计 13

    3.4.2  硬件原理 13

    3.4.3  硬件模块框图设计 14

    3.5  故障分级与告警在管理信息系统中的应用

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