




    Title Traffic signal detection method based on black background analysis research


    The topic of this experiment is based on black background traffic signal detection method research, the car driving through a red light test play a crucial role in the process of, of great significance for vehicle safety.

    With the development of highway transportation and the growth of the vehicle speed, the phenomenon of red light. This experimental study out a can of traffic lights in the process of vehicle detection algorithm. Because the vehicle's vibration and noise factors such as light, can make the collected images blurred so as to affect the accuracy of the algorithm. Therefore this experiment need to image processing experiments so as to achieve robustness of the algorithm. Image processing is image processing and analysis, make its can satisfy the demands of visual, psychological, and other technology. This experiment was carried out on the collected images first pretreatment, then to border smoothing preprocessing the image. After the treatment of tries not to let the image distortion, and finally to processing the image tag in different regions and detection for circular to achieve traffic light location information.

    Keywords  The traffic light, robustness, image processing, target object detection

    Key words: traffic lights, image processing, traffic detection, the algorithm robustness

    目   次

    第1章  绪论 2

    1.1选题意义及背景 2

    1.2红绿灯视频信息检测技术应用现状 2

    1.3技术的未来发展趋势 3

    1.4课题实验的主要工作 4

    第2章  本次课题实验的总体设计方案和分析 5

    2.1总体设计分析 5

    2.2总体设计方案 8

    第3章 对实验图像的的图像处理 10

    3.1概述 10

    3.2交通图像分割原理步骤 10

    3.2.1预处理方案步骤 11

    3.2.2  实验结果 12

    3.2.3实验结果分析 15

    3.2.4红绿灯图像的分离 15

    3.2.5 实验结果 16

    3.2.6 实验结果分析 17


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