


    毕业论文关键词  云计算  云服务  故障诊断


    Title    A fault diagnosis system for intelligent devices   based on cloud services-cloud terminal software module

    Abstract Intelligent devices are the core of enterprise automation production. If the devices fail, with the help of the Internet and cloud services technology, technicians can remotely diagnose the cause of the fault and suggest repairs, which can greatly facilitate the enterprise maintenance personnel.

    This paper introduces the research background and research status of fault diagnosis, analyzes the shortcomings of the existing solutions, and designs a fault diagnosis system for intelligent devices based on cloud services. According to the process of requirements analysis, software design, software implementation and software testing, the paper develops a cloud terminal software module, which implements a variety of functions, such as system login, user management, device management, password management, diagnosis management, unsolved diagnosis, solved diagnosis, text diagnosis and voice/video diagnosis, to achieve the goal of low cost, excellent performance, good reliability and high safety.

    Keywords  Cloud computing  Cloud services  Fault diagnosis

    1  引言  1

    1.1  研究背景  1

    2.2  研究现状  1

    2.3  研究方向  3

    2  开发平台  4

    2.1  Delphi  4

    2.2  Microsoft SQL Server  5

    2.3  Node.js  6

    2.4  WebRTC  6

    3  需求分析  8

    3.1  需求分析的目标  8

    3.2  需求的层次  8

    3.3  UML建模  9

    4  软件设计  11

    4.1  软件设计的目标  11

    4.2  功能设计  11

    4.3  数据库设计  12

    5  软件实现  16

    5.1  软件实现的目标  16

    5.2  本地信息管理  16

    5.3  故障诊断网站  24

    6  软件测试  27

    6.1  软件测试的目标  27

    6.2  单元测试  27

    6.3  集成测试  27

    结论  29

    致谢  30

    参考文献  31

     1  引言


    1.1  研究背景


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