



    平台建立了包括前台许可、后台身份认证、安全沙箱等防范措施以保证服务运行的安全性;平台利用嵌入式数据库、反射机制、Struts2母板嵌套、Spring Bean等组件以保证工程开发的可扩展性。

    毕业论文关键词  HTML5,人工智能对战服务,框架,即插即用


    Title           Online Platform for AI Services           



    Based on HTML5, the project provides a platform for AI services online and framework for AI development, and it was used by third party developers for the design and installaiton of AI services which is to serve players.

    The platform broke the limitation of traditional HTTP protocol on one-way data pulling. It also solved the problem of  multimedia support online, 3D drawing and multimedia support without any plugins, the transfer from server to browser of frequently invoked programs and personalized data storage, the transparent deployment of  AI services by their deveolpers and policies mechanism design by AI players without writing any codes.

    To implement a good AI framework, the platform takes public-page mechanism, policy's sharing and composed mechanism, metadata-deployment mechanism, 3D drawing packaging, policies-invoking packaging, two-way communication channels packaging and so on to simplize the process of users in different kinds of roles.

    The platform provides a set of protecting measures for safety, including front licenses, backend authentication and security sandbox, and it also makes use of components for scalability, including embedded database, reflection mechanism, master page and spring bean.

    Keywords  HTML5, AI Service, Framework, Plug and Play(PnP)

    目   次

    1  引言 1

    1.1  问题来源与现状 1

    1.2  研究内容 1

    2  在线AI服务平台概述 2

    2.1  平台功能概述 2

    2.2  平台设计目标 2

    2.3  平台体系结构 4

    2.4  平台设计要求 5

    2.5  平台实现思路 6

    3  在线AI服务平台的表示层 6

    3.1  玩家的表示层需求 7

    3.2  开发商的表示层需求 7

    3.3  框架的解决方案 8

    3.4  平台的实现 14

    4  在线AI服务平台的业务逻辑层 17

    4.1  玩家的简单AI策略设计体系 18

    4.2  开发商的逻辑控制体系 20

    4.3  框架的解决方案 21

    4.4  平台的实现 23

    5  在线AI服务平台的数据访问层 26

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