


    关键词  移动互联网  UTAUT模型  感知风险  感知成本  感知收益 实证研究 

    毕业论文 外 文 摘 要

    Title    User's Usage Behavior of Mobile Internet

    Abstract Mobile Internet business is the product that mobile operators and service providers produced that launched at the mobile Internet-based wireless data value-added services. As the number of user’s increases, the mobile Internet behavior influencing factors of user usage for mobile Internet users and operators are its important subject.

    Based on the comprehensive study of the theory of reasoned action, planned behavior theory, and the acceptance and use of technology-based theoretical model,we raised a new mobile Internet user acceptance model. The variables in the model includes: efforts to expectations, performance expectancy, social influence, perceived benefits, perceived cost, perceived risk and personal innovation. Investigation and analysis of the data, conduct research for more than a few variables, determine its final acceptance for the user's behavior.

    Keywords  Mobile Internet  UTAUT  the theory of perceived risk  Empirical Study 

    目   次

    1 绪论 1

    1.1移动互联网简介 1

    1.2 研究背景与意义 1

    1.3 研究思路与方法 3

    2 文献综述 4

    2.1理性行为理论 4

    2.2 计划行为理论 5

    2.3 技术接受理论 7

    2.4技术接受和使用统一理论 9

    3 移动互联网用户使用行为影响因素的模型构建和假设 12

    3.1影响移动互联网用户使用行为的主要因素 12

    3.2 影响移动互联网用户使用行为模型设计 13

    3.3模型构建和变量设计 16

    4 移动互联网用户使用行为影响因素实证研究 19

    4.1 研究设计 19

    4.2 问卷发放及回收状况 21

    4.3 信度与效度分析 22

    4.4 描述统计和相关性分析 23

    4.5 回归分析 27

    5 结论与展望 29

    5.1 结论与不足 29

    5.2 移动互联网发展的建议 30

    致  谢 31

    参考文献 32

    附  录

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