

    毕业论文关键词 微生物  网络爬虫  基因序列分析  发育树  图数据库  cypher

    Title   The Applying Research of Using Graph Database in  Building the Relationship Network of Microbe Crowd

    Abstract Microbes are everywhere in nature, widely involved in medicine, industry and agriculture, Environmental protection, and many other areas. Completing microbial genome sequencing is helpful to understand the characteristics of human microbial flora and the relations between the flora and the host, which can assist human in solving the problems in the treatment of physical diseases. By using web crawler technology to get the existing biological information from the Internet, and using Clustal and  Mega to analyze the sequences of the genome biological information , build up the phylogenetic tree at the same time, and get to know the biological information, the features of the DNA sequences can be more intuitively observed and analyzed. It is also possible to inquire some related information in the graph database and figure out the accessibility between genes by using the cypher language.

    Keywords  Microbes  Web spider  Gene sequence analysis   phylogenetic tree   graph database   cipher



    1  绪论 1

    1.1  课题研究背景 1

    1.2  研究意义 1

    1.3  国内外研究现状 2

    1.4  本文结构 3

    2  相关技术的研究 3

    2.1  网络爬虫技术 3

    2.2  人类肠道微生物宏基因组测序 4

    2.3  图数据库技术neo4j 9

    3  模型与定义 12

    3.1  系统流程图 12

    3.2  Clustal 13

    3.3  Mega 13

    3.4  遗传距离 13

    4  系统分析树的构建过程 14

    4.1  微生物基因多序列比对 14

    4.2  在序列比对的基础上进行系统进化树的构建 22

    4.3  对微生物基因序列进行信息处理的neo4j图数据库技术 28

    5  采用neo4j构建新型微生物基因信息系统发育树并进行查询的实现方法 29

    5.1  neo4j构建数据库的实现 29

    5.2  neo4j查询的实现 35

    6  结论与展望 40

    6.1  所得结论

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