
    摘要随着计算软件系统的复杂性越来越高,采用如C++、HTML以及JavaScript等进行各种应用系统开发时,开发者需要编写大量代码来进行长时间的开发。代码编写是一个很耗费时间的工作,开发者可能需要花费大量的时间在一些网站上寻找解决问题的代码段。这的确很耗费时间,但却几乎又是不可或缺的一环。 64612




    毕业论文关键词  代码编写  代码拼接  php   在线运行  检测代码 逻辑性


    Title    Code splicer based on the cloud environment       

    Abstract Many developers have had the experience of coding for a long time with many repeated codes.  Among them, there are many different kinds of languages, e.g., C++, HTML, Javascript, and etc. Therefore, it is obvious coding is a time-consuming process, and programmers might spend lots of times to search for a segment of code on the internet. However, based on the experiments, this process is inevitable during programming.

        One of the best solutions is finding and restoring such segment of codes by utilizing the cloud computing technology. One of the important features of our framework is the simple and logical interface which can make it easy for users to access their codes in a short period of time. In addition, it can reorganize and extend the original functions.

        Our proposed framework is based on the virtual environment in OpenStack. To implement the tool, HTML is used to design the webpage and PHP for doing service-oriented programming such as connecting to the database and communicating with the C++ code processor. In addition, Ajax and Smarty are utilized as the controller for the logic of the interfaces.  Through dragging, the Matching Ports is accomplishing the process of splicing. In parallel, there are also functions in the back which are used to check the correctness of codes. 

        The cloud environment can guarantee stability, reliability and flexibility of the framework which makes it attractive for the users.  

    Keywords: Code Splicing, PHP, Online Detector, Cloud Environment

    目   次

    1  引言3

    1.1  背景及意义3

    1.2  代码拼接已有软件现状4

    1.3  现阶段图形化程序构建局限性5

    1.4  云端代码的原理5

    2  系统总体设计6

    2.1  系统的整体框架图6

    2.2  系统部署7

    3  数据库设计7

    3.1  代码表8

    3.2  参数表8

    3.3  用户表9

    3.4  ER图 9

    4  服务器框架10

    4.1  操作数据库对数据进行增删查10

    4.2  控制网页的内容11

    4.3  接受JS发送的异步请求 11

    4.4  最核心的服务类service.php13

  1. 上一篇:死路径语义下服务组合控制流图的生成
  2. 下一篇:基于云服务的智能设备故障诊断系统设计实时交互模块实现
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