




    毕业论文关键词  分布式 日志采集 日志分析 日志存储 监控


    Title:       Fetching & Analyzing of Distribution Logs                                                                                 

    Abstract This paper constructed a logging framework distributed system orientated to solve the difficulty when fetch information in enormous system, monitoring consistently, adjusting timely according to information.

    We build the fetching client on multi-platform which employee AOP fetching real-time information; The center server can deal those logs assembly from the fetching client to store and dispatch.

    For stored data of logs, Some scripts can deal and analyze date simply, accounting the static Injection volume of requests, the abnormal rate and response speed as reference date for Operation and maintenance personnel and business date for product personnel, which prove its importance.

    Traditional publish / subscribe systems; monitoring procedures, statistical procedures and front-end Web Interface via subscription achieve information push timely. Engineers can dynamically learn conditions about the running status of the system and handle it timely when crashing out via subscription.

    Keywords: Distribution, Logs Fetching, Logs Analyzing, Logs Store, Monitoring

    1. 绪论 1

    1.3 研究背景和意义 1

    1.4 分布式日志系统介绍 2

    2. 分布式日志系统的发展现状 3

    2.3 在国外的发展现状 3

    2.4 在国内的发展现状 5

    3. 系统实现功能 8

    3.1 日志生成和格式化 8

    3.2 日志收集 9

    3.3 日志持久化 9

    3.4 日志订阅

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