
    摘要:近年来,企业的应用规模越来越大,传统的系统架构呈现出诸多力不从心的问题。业务相互关联,牵一发而动全身,这不仅增加了开发难度,跟提高了开打成本。所以诸如传统的垂直应用架构、单纯的RPC架构和SOA服务化架构已经不能很好的满足当下发展的需求,所以催生了微服务架构的出现。现如今比较流行的大型电商系统(如:京东、天猫等)都采用这种架构形式,以达到高并发、高可用、易扩展等目的,从而更加适应互联网时代下的快速发展。本课题就是基于Spring Boot框架,分析并设计一套以微服务架构为基础的,能够实现分布式计算的电商网站系统架构。主要采用的技术有Spring Cloud、Dockers等,其中利用Spring Cloud轻松完成分布式、负载均衡、消息队列以及断路由、服务网关等的实现。68806


    Design of distributed E-Commerce system based on Spring Boot

    Abstract: In recent years, the scale of application of enterprises is growing, the traditional system architecture presents a lot of powerless problems. Business interrelated, led by a move the whole body, which not only increased the difficulty of development, with the increase in the cost of playing. So the traditional vertical application architecture, simple RPC architecture and SOA service architecture has been very good to meet the needs of the current development, so gave birth to the emergence of micro-service architecture. Now more popular large-scale electric business system (such as: Jingdong, Tianmao etc.) are used in this form, in order to achieve high concurrent, high availability, easy to expand and other purposes, so as to more adapt to the rapid development of the Internet era. This topic is based on the Spring Boot framework, analysis and design of a micro-service architecture based on the realization of distributed computing power system website system architecture. The main technologies used are Spring Cloud, Dockers, etc., which use Spring Cloud to easily complete the distributed, load balancing, message queuing and routing, service gateways and other implementations.

    Keywords: Microservice; Distributed; Electricity; Architecture; Spring


    摘要 i

    Abstract i

    目录 ii

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 国内外研究现状 1

    1.2 研究背景和意义 2

    2 技术背景 3

    2.1 微服务架构 3

    2.1.1 优势简述 3

    2.1.2 复杂性总结 3

    2.1.3 通用特性 4

    2.2 SPRING CLOUD 5

    2.2.1 Spring Cloud Config 5

    2.2.2 Spring Cloud Netflix 5

    2.2.3 Spring Cloud Cloud Foundry 6

    2.2.4 Spring Cloud Security 6


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