


    毕业论文关键词   差分 视频帧 滞留物检测  图像分割 


    Title       The Detection and Analysis Technology of   Abnormal Retentate On the Pavement      

    Abstract In recent years, the intelligent monitoring system has been widely used in all fields. It adopts the technology of image processing, pattern recognition and computer vision. Through the intelligent video analysis module, it use the aid of the computer's powerful data processing ability to filter out the useless information in video, and analyze the useful information. It can quickly judge the abnormal conditions in monitoring system, and alarm or trigger other actions with the fastest and best way.

    This thesis has done some research on the research direction of the monitoring facilities, and found the retentate parts have great research value . The experiment system is mainly based on the frame difference method and background difference method. The system first detect different scenarios on the video, and use different algorithms to detect the target object according to different scenarios. In this way, we can lower the false alarm rate, improve the accuracy of relative left objects detection.

    Keywords   Difference, Video Frame, Retentate Detection, Image Segmentation

    目   次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  概述 1

    1.2  本文组织结构 2

    2  相关工具 2

    2.1  概述 2

    2.2  MFC 2

    2.3  Visual Studio 2010 3

    2.4  OpenCV 3

    3  运动目标检测 5

    3.1  概述 5

    3.2  运动目标检测 5

    3.2.1  运动目标检测任务 5

    3.2.2  运动目标检测流程 6

    3.3  运动目标检测技术 7

    3.3.1  帧间差分法 7

    3.3.2  背景差分法 9

    4  滞留物检测算法 10

    4.1  概述 10

    4.2  算法约束条件 11

    4.2.1  系统环境约束 11

    4.2.2  目标物体运动特性约束 12

    4.3  算法场景设计 12

    4.3.1  概述

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