    关键词  人脸检测  特征计算  Adaboost  Haar-like特征  分类器级联
    Title    A Study of the Face Image Detection in Complex Scenes
    Face detection is prior part of face recognition. It is an important topic in computer vision and pattern recognition research whose purpose is to detect face from in the image background. However, there are still some errors in face detection due to the impact of the face’s own conditions and surroundings, such as the face color, facial expression, face obstruction, shooting angle and light intensity. Face detection remains a challenging research.
    In this article, I study various methods for face image detection in complex scenes and related technologies. I designed and implemented the face detection algorithm which is based on a combination of feature calculation and Adaboost feature selection. The algorithm uses Haar-like feature classifiers to implement face detection, uses classification cascaded to improve detection accuracy. Based on OpenCV algorithms library, I achieved a complete algorithm framework, optimize processes and face detection verification system in VS2010 programming environment. Finally I made some experiments to demonstrate the effectiveness of the face detection algorithm.
    Keywords  Face Detection  Feature Calculation  Adaboost  Haar-like Features  Classifier Cascade
    目   次
    1  引言 1
    1.1  课题来源及研究意义 1
    1.2  课题研究现状 2
    2  人脸检测方法 3
    2.1  基于知识的方法 3
    2.2  特征不变量方法 4
    2.3  基于模板匹配的方法 4
    2.4  基于外观的方法 5
    2.5  基于统计的方法 6
    2.6  人脸检测的评价指标 8
    3  Viola-Jones人脸检测器 9
    3.1  Haar-like特征 9
    3.2  Adaboost算法 13
    3.3  级联分类器 16
    4  人脸检测系统实现 18
    4.1  OpenCV简介 18
    4.2  系统功能分析 18
    4.3  系统运行与测试 19
    4.4  系统分析与评价 19
    结论  25
    致谢  26
    图   例
    图2.1  Sung 和Poggio提出的聚类模型 6
    图3.1  Viola等人提出的Haar-like特征模式 9
    图3.2  45°方向的Haar-like特征 10
    图3.3  0°矩形积分图像 11
    图3.4  0°矩形公式图形 11
    图3.5  45°方向矩形积分图像 12
    图3.6  45°方向矩形公式图形 13
    图3.7  Adaboost算法流程图 16
    图3.8  级联分类器结构 17
    图4.1  OpenCV的基本结构 18
    图4.2  系统界面 19
    图4.3  系统运行效果 19
    图4.4  使用不同分类器实验结果 20
    图4.5  不同min_neighbors参数实验结果1 20
    图4.6  不同min_neighbors参数实验结果2 21
    图4.7  Yale人脸数据库检测示例 21
    图4.8  ORL人脸数据库检测示例 22
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