

    毕业论文关键词  图像复原  运动模糊  参数估计


    Title Motion Blur Parameter Estimation Method Research


    Image restoration is one of most important issues of digital image processings,while the restoration of motion-blurred images is a familiar type in image restoration. Uniform linear motion blurred image restoration technology is very mature, the key is to accurately estimate the motion blur scale and angle parameters.How to estimate correct fuzzy parameters from a motion-blurred image is a relatively difficult task,which is also the main goal of the research. This paper introduces the basic concepts of image restoration, mathematics, degradation model, and briefly describes several classic image restoration methods.After, the article highlights some motion blur parameter estimation methods: Identification of motion blur based on the Hough transform and Identification of motion blur scale based on the autocorrelation function of the direction, and gives experimental results.Summary and discussion is at the end of the article.

    Keywords  image restoration,motion-blur,parameter estimation


    第一章  绪论 1

    1.1 课题背景 1

    1.2 运动模糊图像复原领域的相关现状 2

    1.3 本文内容安排 2

    第二章  运动模糊图像复原基础理论 4

    2.1图像退化模型 4

    2.2常见图像复原方法 5

    第三章  匀速直线运动模糊图像模糊参数估计 8

    3.1匀速直线运动模糊图像退化模型 8

    3.2基于方向微分的运动模糊方向鉴别算法 9

    3.3基于霍夫变换的运动模糊方向鉴别算法 14

    3.3基于自相关函数的运动模糊尺度鉴别 16

    第四章  实验验证 18

    4.1运动模糊参数估计误差验证 18

    4.2运动模糊图像复原 20

    第五章  总结与致谢 23

    本文工作总结 23

    致  谢 24

    参考文献 25


    图2.1  图像连续退化模型 4

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