

    毕业论文关键词  数据挖掘 模糊关联 聚类 隶属度函数


    Title Realization of Fuzzy Association Rules

    Abstract This paper first introduces the basic theory of data mining and basic concepts, then gives fuzzy association rules and the basic concepts and development of the basic situation; expounded Aproiri the basic idea and proposed using the membership function for quantitative association rules fuzzy thinking. This paper focuses on fuzzy association rules  research and experiments, meanwhile, in order to more effectively determine the membership function, the paper also made to determine the membership function of cluster studies. Firstly, in the classical algorithm Apriori for fuzzy association study of learning, based on the analysis of strengths and weaknesses, focusing on selected based on improved fuzzy association algorithm FAMA AprioriTid focus on research. Meanwhile, with the classic algorithm Kmeans determine the cluster center, to obtain a more accurate membership function. Then, based on fuzzy association technology through programming I designed a simple dedicated private banking customer information data mining software.

    Keywords  data mining  fuzzy association  clustering  membership function 

    目   次

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 研究背景及意义 1

    1.2 数据挖掘的基本理论 2

    1.3 论文的研究内容及组织结构 4

    2 模糊关联规则 5

    2.1 关联规则的基本理论 5

    2.2 布尔型关联规则和Apriori算法 5

    2.3 数量型关联规则 8

    2.4 模糊关联规则 9

    2.5 模糊关联算法(FAMA) 10

    2.6 本章小结 12

    3 基于聚类的隶属度函数确定的方法研究 12

    3.1 聚类技术基本理论 12

    3.1.1 基于划分的聚类算法 12


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