


    Abstract:This system is based on the development environment of ASP.NET and in response to the system requirements and development, applied to education management, including the daily work of education and the management of students, to realize the digital management. The development of this system, each high school teachers and students and greatly improve the office work pressure, and work in teaching and service for students and for students on the management of the digital information management, not only can reduce the repeated work of the staff, but also in the past can increase the working efficiency of the school and enhance the strength of the school of management, compared to the previous management system more efficient.This thesis from the topic background and significance, system analysis, system design, system implementation and system test these aspects of graduation design is described in this thesis.

    Keywords: Education management,middle school student information system,ASP.NET

    目    录

    1. 绪论

    1.1 课题背景和意义

    1.2 研究现状

    2. 系统分析

    2.1 中学学生信息管理系统需求分析

    2.2 系统设计思想

    2.3 系统设计分析

    2.4 系统功能分析

    2.5 系统用例分析

    2.6 系统流程

    3. 中学学生信息管理系统设计


    3.2 系统模块功能设计




    3.2.4成绩查询流程 10 

    3.2.5学生信息管理流程 11 

    3.2.6教师信息管理流程 11 

    3.3 数据库设计 12 

    3.3.1 概念结构设计 12 

    3.3.2 数据库逻辑结构 15 

    4. 中学学生信息管理系统的实现 19 

    4.1数据库连接 19 

    4.2用户登录实现 20 

    4.3学生管理模块实现 22 

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