



    Abstract:With the progress and development of the enterprise,traditional paper enterprise management method of new employee management, department management and salary management already can not adapt to the fierce market competition.Using computer information technology management, for enterprises has become an inevitable trend. 

    This article mainly describes the design and implementation of enterprise personnel salary management system.The system includes employee management, department management, salary management, personnel management.  By the system,we can add and delete employee information and department information, we can management and calculation of total wages through the management of attendance wage, piece rate management,we can query ourselves salary details and reward and punish ,we also can reward and punish employee through the work attitude, work and so on.

    Keywords:Personnel and wage management,3-tier architecture,Database

    目   录

    1  绪论 4

    1.1  系统开发背景及目的 4

    1.2  系统设计思想 4

    2  系统开发技术 4

    2.1  开发工具 4

    2.2  三层架构(3-tier architecture) 5

    3  系统功能框架与总体设计 7

    3.1  系统需求分析 7

    3.2  系统功能模块与结构框架 8

    4  系统数据库设计 9

    4.1  系统数据库概念结构设计 9

    4.2  系统数据库逻辑结构设计 11

    5  系统的实现和核心模块的描述 13

    5.1  登录模块及实现代码 13

    5.2  员工信息管理模块及实现代码 18

    5.3  职位信息管理模块及实现代码 23

    5.4  工资信息管理模块及实现代码 23

    5.5  个人工资查询管理模块及实现代码 26

    5.6  考评信息管理模块及实现代码 27

    6  系统测试 30

    6.1  系统测试的目的 30

    6.2  系统测试的方法 30

    结  论 33

    参考文献 34

    致  谢

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